The Reference Display Type You assign each reference a Type (a single letter designation). This is used during bibliography creation and is explained fully in the section on the Bibliography Formatter. Briefly, the form of a printed reference depends on its source. For example, in a bibliography, a journal article usually has a volume number and a page (initial or range) cited, while a book has the publishers named. The Type should identify the source of the reference so that it can be matched with the appropriate format when it is used in a bibliography. Although the Type scheme is entirely flexible, allowing user-defined single letter designations, a number of Type designations are strongly suggested (and supported by pop-up menus): j = journal b = book (put the name of the book in the Title field) c = book chapter (put the name of the chapter in the Title field, the name of the book in the Volume field) e = edited book d = dissertation o = conference proceedings n = newspaper article i = in press m = map a = artwork v = audiovisual materials t = letter p = personal communication When generating a bibliography, the character you assigned to the reference Type is matched against the character given in the format being used. The case of the Type (upper vs. lower) is irrelevant. The pop-up menu from which the reference Type is selected contains 14 entries:   The letter in square brackets represents the single-letter designation for the reference type. When a Type is selected, that letter will be placed in the editable Type field. You can also simply enter the letter into the Type field from the keyboard rather that use the pop-up menu.   In the reference itself, the long name of the reference Type will be displayed next to the single letter designation. (Note: the long name is not visible if the database is displayed in Small View).